The Institute of Nautical Archaeology has a long history of underwater archaeological projects that have been conducted safely. Occurrence of diving illness on INA-led projects is significantly less than international and U.S. national averages among recreational divers, in part due to the unique position that archaeological divers hold between recreational divers and professional divers and in part due to a community standard of safe diving practices that is conveyed through the Scientific Dive Plan Application (SDPA).
The majority of projects approved and supported by the INA Archaeological Committee are conducted under the diving safety auspices of another host institution, for example, that of the Principal Investigator (PI)’s academic home. INA recommends you first contact your institution’s Diving Safety Officer to learn more about their requirements. INA staff will do our best to ensure that the relationship between your host institution and INA is as seamless as possible.
It is the philosophy of INA to send to the field prepared, responsible, and capable divers who are skilled in assisting other team members in emergency and non-emergency situations. With this philosophy in mind, PIs of all INA-approved projects must submit for approval a complete SDPA no less than 30 days prior to the start of diving activities. Earlier submission is highly recommended to allow time for review and correction of any deficiencies in the SDPA.