Included with the scanner donation was an orange “Septipus” (he only has 7 legs), who now presides over the digitization efforts.
Due to the generosity of Dr. Hayes W. Caldwell, M.D. & Mrs. Margaret H. Caldwell, the INA Archives has received a new Epson Perfection V800 Scanner, to be used in conjunction with their previous scanner donation. The Archives Digitization Project has benefited greatly from the purchase of these scanners which allow us to preserve digitally a wealth of irreplaceable documents, photographs, and negatives. The INA Archives can now produce incredibly high resolution scans, making a priceless primary record available for future generations. Additionally, the new scanner uses an LED light-source; as the LED bulbs do not produce heat, the machine can be used to scan even the more delicate items in the INA Archives. Currently digitization efforts are focused on the Peter Throckmorton Collection. If you are interested in learning more about the Archives Digitization Project or would like to donate, just email our Archivist McKenzie Alford: archvist@nauticalarch.org.
Check out just a few of the stunning images these scanners have brought back to life:
These images were taken during the Cape Gelidonya Late Bronze Age Shipwreck Excavation and document the birth of the field of underwater archaeology. Never before had scientific excavation techniques been implemented below the waves. The INA Archives is devoted to preserving not only this important event in history, but also the continuation of that legacy in projects going on around the world today!