Congratulations to INA team members Lindsey Thomas, Doug Davidge and John Pollack who were selected by the Canadian Archaeological Association as the winners of a 2013 Public Communications Award for the Yukon government publication “The Wreck of the A.J. Goddard.” The CAA’s Public Communications Awards Committee noted that the “professionally presented booklet is clearly written, beautifully illustrated with photos and maps, and puts forth a fountain of information concerning the Gold Rush Era of the Yukon.”
The booklet is available both in print and online as a PDF, and is the perfect summarizing document for the average Yukon visitor, or potential visitor, as well as for history buffs, archaeologists, and general interest audiences.
The A.J. Goddard is one aspect of the INA supported Yukon Gold Rush Steamboat Survey Project, and you will find a wealth of additional information including videos, animations, photos and an extensive list of publications available on the INA website at:
Yukon River Survey article available in the INA Quarterly Summer 2009 issue.