On Sunday we were prepared to work, rain or shine. Well, there was plenty of shine, so we got to work (most of us). And there were waves. Surfing waves. In fact the surfers arrived on the beach and started surfing while we worked. Not a good sign for working on shallow sites from a RHIB. We moved to deeper water instead and relocated the anchor for excavation and recording, which turned out to be quite successful.
On Monday we returned to the anchor, set up the dredge, and re-excavated the site (designated EBT9). After excavation we recorded the heavily encrusted anchor and took scaled photographs around the site. Our second team of archaeologists investigated several more features and anomalies mapped during the 2012 and 2013 campaigns, and discovered two buried ferrous objects which will be the subject of future test excavation. In the evenings we continued with the EBT1 site plan as well as the recording of a wooden block that was recovered in fishing nets and may be associated with one of the shipwrecks in the cove.
(photos: Lolita Petriconi)
(photos: Virgilio Rodrigues)